It isn’t everyday you can present your ideas to one of the country’s top officials, but St. Thomas Aquinas High School student Amelia Illman did just that on February 5, 2021. Amelia was one of 10 Ontario high school students to take part in a virtual roundtable discussion for young people to present their priorities for the federal budget to Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland. There were a wide variety of topics covered including the cost of post-secondary education, the need for affordable housing, and the wealth gap; Amelia chose to address the need for reliable internet service in northern and remote communities. Following the presentation, Amelia said: "Words can’t describe this incredible opportunity to talk with such a distinguished person. It was inspirational to talk with a woman in such a high-level government position who is interested in hearing student voices and engaging students in what’s happening in our country. I am incredibly grateful to sit in on this call; it was an amazing experience." The roundtable was organized by the non-partisan group CIVIX. They are a national registered charity dedicated to building the skills and habits of active and engaged citizenship among young Canadians.