St. Thomas Aquinas High School Athletics Code of Conduct
Congratulations on being selected for your athletic team! The Kenora Catholic District School Board, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, and NorWOSSA consider it a privilege for you to represent your school in athletic competitions. With this honor comes specific behavioral expectations. Please review the Athlete Code of Conduct with your parents to understand these expectations fully.
1. Treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity, regardless of gender, place of origin, colour, sexual orientation, religion, political belief or economic status.
2. Consistently display high personal standards and project a favourable image of their sport.
3. Refrain from public criticism of other athletes, coaches or officials.
4. Uphold the rules of the sport, spirit of such rules and encourage other athletes to do the same.
5. Treat opponents and officials with due respect both in victory and defeat. Encourage other athletes to do the same.
1. Participate in a manner that insures the safety of fans, athletes, coaches and officials also participating in the game.
2. Respect other athlete’s dignity: verbal or physical behaviour that constitutes harassment or abuse is totally unacceptable.
3. All athletes are required to keep a shirt or uniform on at all times on the field of play or on the indoor surface of play.
4. Where there has been a request for sexual favours or use of threats of reprisal for rejection, it must be reported to the school administration.
The following are some examples of unacceptable behaviour that could involve suspension or other disciplinary action from the NorWOSSA league or your school administration. Please be aware that these are merely examples and other forms of unacceptable behaviour not on this list could be subject to disciplinary action.
▪ Any vulgarity, profanity or intimidation directed to fellow players, other players, coaches, officials, or minor officials.
▪ Use or possession of laser pointers in any school or facility used by the school (this includes hockey arenas, curling rinks, etc.).
▪ Any unacceptable behaviour while being transported to and from the event (not picking up garbage, swearing, disobedience to a coach or bus driver, disrespect to other students).
▪ Any unacceptable behaviour in a motel/hotel and/or restaurant while on a school trip (unnecessary mess, failure to pay phone bills or other payments).
▪ Any vandalism or theft when visiting another school (includes leaving showers plugged or water running, theft of any item belonging to another student or the school). ▪ The consumption of any drugs not prescribed by a doctor or drug related paraphernalia (this includes alcohol, tobacco and e-cigarettes).
▪ Negative cheering from the stands (instead of calling the other team down, boost your team up!).
▪ Any form of hazing or other initiation activities will not be tolerated. ▪ Any action or behaviour which would bring discredit to your team or your school.
Click this link:
Code of Conduct to download a PDF version.